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HomeBlogWhat are Exosomes?

Exosomes: A Brief Overview

“Exosomes” is a ridiculously broad term. If you search it up, you will see hundreds of options. Just like how “laser” sounds high tech and futuristic, some lasers are effective and some are hogwash. Some lasers are meant to help with redness, others are designed to resurface the skin. So “exosome” and “stem cells” are great terms, but they aren’t specific. You need to know what you are getting.

What is the source? Exosomes can come from plants or animals. They can be harvested from fat, bone marrow, placenta, or mesenchymal tissue.

How is it processed? What is the quality of the product? Do they alter the exosomes in any way? How do they test for concentration, purity, etc? We chose our current brand, Resilielle, because they are focused on transparency, science, high quality, consistency, and adhering to FDA guidelines.

How is it intended to be used? Some exosomes were derived to be used during IVs to help fight pneumonia or Covid. That is not a product we should be using topically with microneedling to try to improve skin quality. Again, just like lasers have intended uses, exosomes do as well.

What are the Benefits of Exosomes?

Exosomes are thought to be stem cells from outside of your body (fat grafting uses your own body’s stem cells, but this requires surgery to harvest). The benefits for topical application have been for hair growth, acne scarring, burn and wound recovery, and aesthetic skin improvement — such as enhaned texture, firmness, pigmentation, and radiance. Using it with microneedling takes advantage of the microchannels opened up by treatment to help exosomes become more efficacious.

We use exosomes with our microneedling. The brand we use, Resilielle, is “Age Zero Exosomes” derived from Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells, which is more potent than from fat or bone marrow. They are rigorously tested and processed in a world-class manufacturing complex. This means quality control is high, with calibrated processing hoods and certified ISO 7 clean rooms. They do not lyophilize the product, so the exosome integrity is intact.

Studies have been done specifically on this product. They showed a multicenter study with three treatments over three months. They tried different concentrations and found the lowest concentration was equally effective. We appreciate their integrity to not upsell us for a more expensive product. The study showed 80% improvement in the skin in multiple areas, such as hyperpigmentation, texture, firmness, radiance, pore size, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Biohackr Health offers Resilielle Age Zero Exosomes as part of our microneedling treatment. We think it works and is worth it. Quality is important, and we try to base our treatments in science-backed products whenever possible.

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